2013 Winter Wheat Crop Now 57{8a1275384cb93b18aa3d41af404144e37302a793dec468d70d54c97b65cfac05} Planted


OMAHA (DTN) — Nearly 70{8a1275384cb93b18aa3d41af404144e37302a793dec468d70d54c97b65cfac05} of the nation's corn crop has been harvested and USDA no longer includes corn conditions in its weekly Crop Progress and Conditions report. But that's a moot point, as the ratings of the ahead-of-normal crop ceased having any real market impact weeks ago.

Soybeans were estimated at 58{8a1275384cb93b18aa3d41af404144e37302a793dec468d70d54c97b65cfac05} harvested compared to 42{8a1275384cb93b18aa3d41af404144e37302a793dec468d70d54c97b65cfac05} last year and a 40{8a1275384cb93b18aa3d41af404144e37302a793dec468d70d54c97b65cfac05} five-year average. Soybean condition ratings were virtually unchanged, with just a slight shift toward the better end of the scale. These numbers also will mean little to the market.

Winter wheat planting advanced to 57{8a1275384cb93b18aa3d41af404144e37302a793dec468d70d54c97b65cfac05} complete and 23{8a1275384cb93b18aa3d41af404144e37302a793dec468d70d54c97b65cfac05} emerged, compared to 53{8a1275384cb93b18aa3d41af404144e37302a793dec468d70d54c97b65cfac05} and 24{8a1275384cb93b18aa3d41af404144e37302a793dec468d70d54c97b65cfac05} last year and 59{8a1275384cb93b18aa3d41af404144e37302a793dec468d70d54c97b65cfac05} and 30{8a1275384cb93b18aa3d41af404144e37302a793dec468d70d54c97b65cfac05} averages, respectively. Many winter wheat areas still need additional moisture to bolster the crop before winter. 

Click Here for Montana's Crop Progress and Conditions Report.

Click Here for Wyoming's Crop Progress and Conditions Report.

Click Here for North Dakota's Crop Progress and Conditions Report.

Click Here for South Dakota's Crop Progress and Conditions Report.

Source: DTN & USDA

Posted by Northern Ag Network

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