5th Antibiotic Symposium Bridges the Gap between Human and Animal Health
“This [symposium], sponsored in part by the beef checkoff, is the only event in North America where people from the medical sector, animal-production sector, environmental sector and the retail sector are at the table together,” said Dr. Thomas Shryock, Ph.D., chief scientific officer at Antimicrobial Consultants, LLC. “We will look for a common ground and have a deep dialogue. This symposium is unique in that it is not about technical aspects; it is about a path forward.”
Shryock, who is a speaker at the November event, believes that this year’s opportunity to bring retailers into the conversation will highlight consumer demands: “It’s an interesting dynamic when you are bringing people in who are concerned with human and animal health.”
“We need antibiotics, people get sick,” said Shryock, who has worked in the field of antibiotics for more than 25 years. “There’s a truly personal connection. It’s exciting to use experience and expertise in activities that will benefit so many. We need to follow our curiosity and think big!”
The NIAA Antibiotics Symposium is open to all individuals who want to learn from each other, engage in meaningful discussion and create successful strategies to safeguard antibiotic efficacy.
For more information or to register online go to AnimalAgriculture.org/2015-Antibiotics-Symposium or contact the NIAA at 719-538-8843 or niaa@animalagriculture.org.
To learn more about your beef checkoff investment, visit MyBeefCheckoff.com.
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