6th National Conference on Grazing Lands, Grape Vine TX


Conference Program

The 6th National Conference on Grazing Lands will have a variety of presentations; however, the one central theme of all the conference presentations will be balancing economic sustainability with environmental sustainability.  A producer cannot be economically sustainable, long-term, without being environmentally sustainable.  Several of our most notable presentation titles are:

  • Ecosystem Services Provided by Western Ranchers
  • Using Grazing to Improve Health of the Entire Soil-Plant-Animal-Human Complex
  • Innovative Grazing Management for Multiple Resource Benefits
  • Unique Partnering Agreement Provides Multiple Benefits to Kansas Ranchers
  • Guptill Ranch Grazing Lands/Soil Health
  • Improving Rangelands One Mentor at a Time: A Roadmap to Begin a Regional Internship and Mentoring Program Across the High Plains
  • Soil Health and Water Quality Challenges
  • Exploring Economic Impacts of Soil Health Practices in Water Stressed Regions
  • Ranching Sustainability Self-Assessment

In addition, the Texas Grazing Lands Coalition has closely partnered with the National Coalition to hold a series of sessions on Tuesday, December 15th, dubbed “Texas Day.”  These sessions will address the sustainability challenges faced by today’s rancher from grazingland ecology to sustainable markets.  One of the key presentations will be from National Environmental Stewardship Award winner Gary Price of the 77 Ranch, from Blooming Grove, Texas.  He will share his story of how managing and taking care of the land benefits not only his ranching operation, but his community and the environment.  The overall focus of these “Texas Day” sessions will highlight innovative management strategies that focus on soil health through systems that optimize vegetation/forage production, benefit livestock production, water quality, and optimize energy savings; therefore benefiting landowners and society through the economic and ecological sustainability of the agricultural enterprise.

Currently, our Conference Program Committee has accepted oral abstract submissions and has set a DRAFT conference agenda.  Please click the links below to view the conference program day by day.


Monday, December 14th, 2015

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

Wednesday, December 16th, 2015

CLICK HERE for more information


Source:  National Grazing Lands Coalition

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