Senator Baucus Speaks with John Walton
“I fought hard to get permanent protections in the Postal Reform Bill that will keep Montana rural post offices open for good, while also putting the Postal Service back on a path to financial security, so the real solution is for the House to do its part and pass this bill. Any plan that unfairly targets rural post offices doesn’t work for me, and this latest idea sounds like horse trading that leaves
§ The Postmaster General has stated that in order to become financially stable, the Postal Service must reduce spending by about $20 billion in the coming years.
§ The proposed nationwide changes in post office hours is estimated to save only $500 million annually once fully implemented.
§ The Senate bill puts the Postal Service well on the path toward stability by reducing spending by $19 billion by 2016, according to analysis provided by the Postal Service.
Baucus included protections to keep rural facilities open in the Senate bill, but without action in the House, the Postal Service will be free to shut down any of the 85
Posted by John Walton
©Northern Ag Network
Sources: baucus.sentate.gov