Cattle Groups Applaud Introduction of Livestock Hauling Bill


The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, as well as the U.S. Cattlemen’s Association, were both pleased with the introduction of the Transporting Livestock Across America Safely Act on Wednesday. The NCBA says the legislation will reform the Hours of Service Rules in a way that ensures animal welfare, highway safety, and the well-being of livestock haulers. NCBA President and California producer Kevin Kester says the current Hours of Service rules for livestock haulers present big challenges for the industry and can also jeopardize the health and well-being of livestock. “Hauling livestock is much different than hauling products like paper towels or bottles of water,” he says. “Live cattle can’t simply be left unattended in a trailer.” USCA Transportation Committee Chair Steve Hilker says they asked, and Congress answered, calling it a historic moment for livestock haulers. “They get needed flexibility in the restrictive Hours of Service rules,” Hilker says. “We commend the bipartisan group of Senators for working together with the industry for a common-sense solution.” The U.S. Cattlemen look forward to working with members of the House and Senate to get the Transporting Livestock Across America Safely Act across the finish line.

Northern Ag Network, NCBA and USCA

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