Cattle Inventory Changes in 2015 by State



by Rob Cook


Twenty two states had increases in their cattle inventories in 2015.  Texas had the largest increase in cattle inventory in 2015 in the United States followed by Oklahoma and Kansas. 

The cattle inventory in Texas in 2015 increased by a whopping 700k head.  Texas had a larger increase than Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri combined.

Nine states had their cattle inventory increase 50K or more head in 2015, while 17 states saw cattle inventories decrease, with California and North Dakota showing the largest decreases.  

United States 88,526,000 89,800,000 1,274,000
Rank State 2014 2015 Difference
1 Texas 11,100,000 11,800,000 700,000
2 Oklahoma 4,300,000 4,600,000 300,000
3 Kansas 5,800,000 6,000,000 200,000
4 Missouri 3,850,000 4,000,000 150,000
5 Iowa 3,800,000 3,900,000 100,000
6 Wisconsin 3,400,000 3,500,000 100,000
7 Idaho 2,240,000 2,300,000 60,000
8 Colorado 2,550,000 2,600,000 50,000
9 Nebraska 6,250,000 6,300,000 50,000
10 Washington 1,110,000 1,150,000 40,000
11 Florida 1,670,000 1,700,000 30,000
12 Minnesota 2,300,000 2,330,000 30,000
13 New Mexico 1,310,000 1,340,000 30,000
14 Wyoming 1,270,000 1,300,000 30,000
15 Oregon 1,280,000 1,300,000 20,000
16 Illinois 1,130,000 1,140,000 10,000
17 Indiana 860,000 870,000 10,000
18 Michigan 1,130,000 1,140,000 10,000
19 Maryland 182,000 185,000 3,000
20 Hawaii 133,000 135,000 2,000
21 Delaware 16,000 17,000 1,000
22 New Jersey 27,000 28,000 1,000
23 Alaska 10,000 10,000 0
24 Connecticut 47,000 47,000 0
25 Georgia 1,040,000 1,040,000 0
26 Louisiana 790,000 790,000 0
27 Maine 85,000 85,000 0
28 New York 1,450,000 1,450,000 0
29 Ohio 1,250,000 1,250,000 0
30 Rhode Island 5,000 5,000 0
31 South Carolina 335,000 335,000 0
32 South Dakota 3,700,000 3,700,000 0
33 Vermont 260,000 260,000 0
34 Massachusetts 39,000 38,000 -1,000
35 New Hampshire 32,000 30,000 -2,000
36 Arkansas 1,650,000 1,640,000 -10,000
37 North Carolina 810,000 800,000 -10,000
38 West Virginia 385,000 370,000 -15,000
39 Mississippi 930,000 910,000 -20,000
40 Nevada 460,000 435,000 -25,000
41 Tennessee 1,760,000 1,730,000 -30,000
42 Utah 810,000 780,000 -30,000
43 Arizona 920,000 880,000 -40,000
44 Virginia 1,510,000 1,470,000 -40,000
45 Alabama 1,270,000 1,220,000 -50,000
46 Kentucky 2,110,000 2,060,000 -50,000
47 Montana 2,550,000 2,500,000 -50,000
48 Pennsylvania 1,610,000 1,530,000 -80,000
49 California 5,250,000 5,150,000 -100,000
50 North Dakota 1,750,000 1,650,000 -100,000


Source:  Drover's Cattle Network


The lowing herd winds slowly o’er the le by Dave_S., on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  Dave_S. 

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