College of Ag Leader Announces Departure from Montana State


Glenn Duff has accepted the Department Head position at New Mexico State University beginning July 1, 2015.   Dr. Duff has been serving as the Head of the Department of Animal and Range Sciences at Montana State University since August of 2010.  He received his B.S. in animal and dairy science at Northwest Missouri State University, his M.S. in animal physiology at University of Arkansas and his Ph.D. in animal nutrition at New Mexico State University. Upon graduation, he was a postdoctoral research associate at Clayton Livestock Research Center (CLRC), then went on to serve as Research Specialist at University of Arkansas, and Sales Nutritionist with Farr Better Feeds. He returned to the CLRC in 1994 and served as Superintendent there until August 2001. He was member of the faculty at The University of Arizona from 2001 to 2010 when he began his duties at Montana State. He has been an active member of the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) and served as Secretary/Treasurer, President-Elect and President of the Western Section, ASAS. He and his wife, Donna, are looking forward to returning to the desert southwest and NMSU.

[EasyDNNGallery|1854|Width|350|Height|350|position|left|resizecrop|False|lightbox|False|title|False|description|False|redirection|False|LinkText||]Dr. Glenn Duff grew up in southwest Iowa. He gained an appreciation for the livestock industry at an early age through active participation in FFA. His main project was raising purebred Spot hogs, which was initially started as a gilt chain. During his first year showing, Dr. Duff won Reserve Champion boar and Champion Litter in the FFA show at the Iowa State Fair. During the second year, he won Champion and Reserve Champion Boar, Champion Sow, and Champion Litter at the Iowa State Fair. A love of livestock and a passion for science led Dr. Duff major in Animal Sciences.  


Northern Ag Network's Russell Nemetz originally interviewed Dr. Duff back in 2010 when he was just beginning his position with Montana State University


Northern Ag Network salutes Dr. Glenn Duff for his work at Montana State University and wishes him the best in his latest pursuit.  




Sources:  New Mexico State University, MSU News Service

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