Dakota Cattle Conference
December 6-7 @ the Holiday Inn in Minot, ND
NDSU extension service is bringing together experts from the Northern U.S. and Canada to discuss the cattle industry. The conference will follow the Heartland Ag show with a free cattle-breeding workshop from 4-7 p.m. on Dec. 6th and dinner and social on Dec. 7th.
Bob Weaber, beef genetic specialist from Kansas State will conduct the breeding workshop. The conference will start on Dec. 7th @ 9:30. Session topics include: Wintering cows, better ranching through better stockmanship, market trends, influences and price outlook, drought challenges and management.
The cost of the program is $40. For more information contact John Dhuyvetter at 701-857-7682 or john.dhuyvetter@ndsu.edu.