The dry warm weather the past few days has been an absolute Godsend for the region’s Sugar Beet farmers, who have a difficult start to the harvest season.
As of this morning the Western Sugar factory in Billings is finally about 2/3 done harvesting….and we are told that the Clark’s Fork area harvest,…around Bridger and Fromberg…is wrapped up.
On the positive side, the unusually late, wet harvest is likely to provide RECORD TONNAGE….and they should easily beat the previous factory record of 33.6 Tons per Acre.
The warm weather can cause spoilage problems though….so if the beets coming out of the field warm up to 55 degrees on a given day….then they have to shut down that harvest for the afternoon.
So in an rare step, this week they are starting to take delivery each morning at 5AM…just to try to beat the heat of these warm fall days.
We are all keeping our fingers crossed.
© Northern Ag Network 2016