Saturday, February 15, 2025

Dr. Zaluski Discusses Brucellosis Find


(9/19/11 Update)

As reported in the original press release from the Montana Department of Livestock below, a Montana cattle herd is currently under quarantine for brucellosis.  While the results are just preliminary, Montana’s State Veterinarian tells us that the high number of positive reactors in this herd sets off some alarms.

Either way, Dr. Marty Zaluski says that Montana will not be at risk of losing its class-free status as long as his Department responds accordingly.

While it’s never good news to hear that brucellosis has been found in the state’s cattle herd, Dr. Zaluski says that the fact that the positive results came during a test required by Montana’s DSA rules means that the system is working

He emphasized that these steps are important in ensuring our cattle are disease-free to trading partners.

More details on this cattle herd will be available here as this story develops.


(9/13/11 Original Story)

The following is a press release from the Montana Department of Livestock:

A Park County cattle herd, located within the state’s Designated Surveillance Area (DSA), has been quarantined because of concerns about brucellosis.

Based on preliminary serology reports, six animals in a herd of 150 tested positive for the disease during change of ownership testing required by DSA rules, said Dr. Marty Zaluski, state veterinarian. Additional testing on the herd is underway.

The state lost its brucellosis Class Free status in 2008 after the disease was found twice in a two-year period. Because of the establishment of the DSA by the Montana Board of Livestock and a change in federal regulations, Montana is not at risk of losing its Brucellosis Class Free status.

The herd is the second in Montana currently quarantined for the disease. In 2010, a herd of domestic bison was quarantined after two animals tested positive for the disease; that herd is currently in the process of testing out of quarantine.

Source:  MT Department of Livestock

Posted by Haylie Shipp


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