Marias River Livestock Association Spring Membership Meeting

Lieutenant Governor Kristen Juras to be the speaker at the Marias River Livestock Association’s Spring Membership Meeting, May 17, 2021 at the Clark’s Family Restaurant, Shelby, Montana.

Members and the public are welcome to come to the 5:30pm Social Hour to mingle while enjoying no host drinks or meal.

The MRLA Membership Meeting will start at 6:30pm with introduction and speaker Lt. Gov. Juras giving legislative update for agriculture with question-and-answer period followed by Representative Llew Jones speaking on the State’s budget use of Federal COVID funds.

MRLA will then have time with the Directors and members can bring forward concerns that may be addressed by advocacy or policy making.

The Directors would also be glad to listen to any members concerns prior to the meeting so that they can bring them forward for discussion.  They can be reached by phone- Marvin Kimmet 339-2135,  Lance Stokes 450-2149, Clayton Gernaat 289-0350, Chris Kimmet 450-0247 or Maggie Nutter 937-2751.

The event is finished.


May 17 2021


5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
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