Saturday, February 15, 2025

Fearneyhough Steps Down as Director of Wyoming Department of Agriculture


[EasyDNNGallery|665|Width|250|Height|250|position|left|resizecrop|False|lightbox|False|title|False|description|False|redirection|False|LinkText||] CHEYENNE (December 4, 2014) – After almost six years at the helm of the Wyoming Department of Agriculture, Director Jason Fearneyhough is stepping down effective December 31, 2014.  

“It has been a rewarding opportunity and an honor to serve the people of Wyoming, the agriculture industry and two Governors in this capacity,” Fearneyhough said. “I want to thank Governor Mead for giving me the opportunity to work on behalf of Wyoming producers on the range of issues that are vital to their businesses. Thank you to the outstanding team at the Wyoming Department of Agriculture for the tireless work they all do for the citizens of Wyoming.  Their efforts have led to numerous significant accomplishments.   A better group of professionals cannot be found anywhere and I am proud to have served with each and every one of them.  Finally I want to thank my family, Tina, Abby and Ellie for all of their support and encouragement in this endeavor.”   

During his time as Director, the Wyoming Department of Agriculture has been able to forge partnerships with other western states on natural resource concerns in order to better address the issues that affect all of us in the western states with federal lands. 


Along with this, the WDA has enhanced the Wyoming State Fair, and increased efficiencies in Technical Services, Consumer Health Services, Analytical Services and Administration in order to better serve the citizens of Wyoming. 

“The Wyoming Department of Agriculture is truly a team environment working as one to accomplish the goals of each division,” said Fearneyhough. “That is a testament to the dedication of our employees.” 


Under the direction of Fearneyhough, the focus of youth in agriculture was intensified.  The AgriFuture Program was developed and a youth internship program was augmented. Through this program, the WDA has introduced young people to possibilities of employment and business ownership in agriculture as well as encouraged young people to identify and pursue these opportunities.


In his tenure as Director, Fearneyhough served on a number of boards and associations. Most notably, he served as the Chairman of the Western Association of State Departments of Agriculture, the Chair of the Western United States Agriculture Trade Association and has Chaired the Natural Resources Committee of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture.




Source:  Wyoming Department of Agriculture

Posted by Jami Howell

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