Montana FSA: Livestock Forage Disaster Program Triggered in Four Additional Counties Bringing Total to 19 Montana Counties
(BOZEMAN, Mont.), – Sept. 17, 2015 – Montana Farm Service Agency (FSA) State Executive Director Bruce Nelson announced today that the 2015 Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) triggered additional eligibility in Montana counties based on the U.S. Drought Monitor report released on Sept. 17. 2015.
LFP provides compensation to eligible livestock producers who suffered grazing losses due to a qualifying drought or a fire on federally managed land. Eligible producers must own or lease grazing land physically located in a county affected by a qualifying drought during the normal grazing period for the county.
Three counties, Jefferson, Teton and Toole counties, met the D3 extreme drought criteria and Madison County met the D2 severe drought criteria for eight consecutive weeks. Qualifying livestock producers with land in Jefferson, Teton and Toole counties are eligible for four monthly payments while livestock producers in Madison County are eligible for one month’s payment.
In July, Montana FSA announced the 15 counties that met the extreme drought (D3) criteria: Beaverhead, Deer Lodge, Flathead, Glacier, Granite, Lake, Lewis and Clark, Lincoln, Mineral, Missoula, Pondera, Powell, Ravalli, Sanders and Silver Bow. Qualifying producers with land in these 15 counties are eligible for four monthly LFP payments.
“Montana livestock producers who own or lease grazing land or pastureland physically located in these 19 counties should contact their local FSA office right away to schedule an appointment to begin the enrollment process,” said Nelson. “LFP is an important program for livestock producers affected by the drought.”
LFP provided almost $60 million in disaster relief to more than 4,100 Montana livestock producers for the 2012 and 2013 crop years.
Producers must complete an application and provide supporting documentation for 2015 losses by Feb. 1, 2016. For more information visit your local FSA office and Montana FSA online at
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