Free Forage and Vertebrate Pest Workshop scheduled for May 18 in Stanford and Fairfield
Montana State University Extension is presenting a Forage and Vertebrate Pest Workshop on May 18, 2016 in both Stanford and Fairfield, MT. The free workshop will start in Stanford at 8:00 a.m. at the City Hall and end at noon. The Fairfield workshop will begin at 1:00 p.m. at Community Hall and end at 5:00 p.m. Speakers in both locations are David Wichman, MSU Central Ag Research Center Superintendent and Agronomist; Emily Glunk, MSU Extension Forage Extension Specialist; and Stephen Vantassel, Montana Department of Agriculture’s Vertebrate Pest Specialist.
Dave Wichman, MS will discuss current research at the MSU Central Ag Research Center with fertilizer use on alfalfa as well as cereal forages, perennial grasses, and acidic soils.
Emily Glunk, PhD will be discuss the importance of forage testing in both ration balancing, as well as forage nutrient management. She will discuss the differences between whole-plant and tissue-testing for nutrients, and what impacts these may have on your crop and animal management decisions.
Stephen Vantassel, CWCP will present several management methods for the control of pest vertebrates such as voles, pocket gophers, and ground squirrels in fields. Attendees are expected to bring work gloves and wear clothing suitable for outdoor work.
Admission is free for both workshops and they have been submitted for private applicator credits. For the Stanford workshop, RSVP by May 17, 2016 to Katie Hatlelid with MSU Judith Basin Extension at (406) 566-2277. For the Fairfield workshop, RSVP by May 17, 2016 to Rose Malisani with MSU Cascade County Extension at (406) 454-6980 or Brent Roeder with MSU Teton County Extension at (406) 466-2491.