Saturday, September 14, 2024

Gianforte Selects Hi-Line Rancher as Running Mate


Bozeman, MT March 7, 2016– A rancher.  A county commissioner. A nationally recognized leader.  And, a fierce advocate for rural Montana.  Those were just some of the words used by Bozeman businessman and Montana gubernatorial candidate Greg Gianforte as he announced Hi Line rancher and Phillips County Commissioner Lesley Robinson as his running mate for the 2016 election.


Robinson joined Gianforte at Helena Farm Supply for the announcement Monday morning. She was born and raised in the Malta, Montana area. Recently, she was elected to a national position with the National Association of Counties.     


“Lesley is a true, salt of the earth public servant.  I’m looking forward to Lesley playing a vital role in our administration. You’d be hard pressed to find a stronger advocate for rural Montana.” said Gianforte. 


[EasyDNNGallery|3725|Width|350|Height|350|position|left|resizecrop|False|lightbox|False|title|False|description|False|redirection|False|LinkText||]Gianforte says Robinson, as Montana’s next Lieutenant Governor, will provide a vital link between state government and the counties and local governments, particularly with regard to support for infrastructure.  He’s also tasked Lesley with being the bridge between agriculture- Montana’s number one industry- and state government.        


“Folks in rural Montana feel they have been forgotten or simply ignored.  Residing in and serving as a county commissioner in rural Montana has taught me that we have unique challenges.   I’m honored to join Greg Gianforte’s team, and look forward to fighting for rural Montana as the next Lieutenant Governor,” said Robinson.  


Gianforte, the Republican candidate for Governor of Montana, is the founder of RightNow Technologies in Bozeman.  He and his wife Susan started the company out of the home they still live in.  It’s also where they raised all four of their children.  


For more info on Lt. Governor candidate Lesley Robinson’s background, see her full bio below. 



Phillips County Commissioner Lesley Robinson is a rancher who was born in raised in Malta Montana, in a county that proudly boasts more cattle than people.  Lesley and her husband Jim have been ranching with Jim’s family near Zortman, Montana since 1985, on a ranch that has been in the family since the 1950’s.  Bozeman businessman and candidate for Greg Gianforte nominated Lesley to join the ticket as Lt. Governor on March 7th, 2016.   

Credit Dave Skinner, RANGE Magazine
Lesley is recognized not only as a leader in her county, she is recognized as a leader for her state and nation.  First elected to the Phillips County Commission in 2005, Lesley is now in her 11th year of service to the people of Phillips County.  Through her work as county commissioner, Lesley gained national attention for her leadership.  In 2014 she was elected to serve as President of the Western Interstate Region Board representing counties from all across the Western United States, Alaska, and Hawaii within the National Association of Counties (NACo).  In 2015, she was elected to serve as the Western Region representative on the NACo executive board.  She also serves as Vice Chair of the NACo Public Lands Committee.  At the state level, Lesley was one of the youngest, and one of only three women, ever elected to the board for the Montana Stockgrowers Association.  


Lesley Robinson is recognized as one of Eastern Montana’s greatest advocates.  She has testified before the Montana Legislature several times.  She has testified before Congress in Washington, DC.  And, when the US House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee held a field hearing in Billings, Montana on endangered species, Lesley Robinson was called on as an expert witness.           


Robinson has also been a member of the Bear Paw Development Corporation, Phillco Economic Growth Council, Phillips Transit Authority, the Malta Area Chamber of Commerce, Phillips County Cattlewomen/Livestock Association, the Montana Farm Bureau, the National Cattlemens Beef Association, and currently serves as the Vice Chairman of the Joint Powers Trust board. 


Lesley and Jim have one daughter, Kirsty Dee Robinson Stewart.  Kirsty and her husband John are self-employed ranchers. Kirsty has a bachelors degree in Agriculture Operations Technology and Marketing from Montana State University-Northern.  


Lesley is looking forward to serving as Montana’s next Lieutenant Governor, and continuing to serve as a fierce advocate for Rural Montana and for Montana’s number one industry- agriculture.   




Source:  Greg Gianforte Press Release 

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