Friday, September 20, 2024

Grazing Management Survey


The U.S. beef industry protects natural resources and biodiversity while simultaneously feeding the world. But, the world does not always recognize all the great work producers do, with activists and others working to create a negative impression of the beef industry. Kansas State University invites producers to complete a short, anonymous survey designed to gain new information on the current adoption and use of grazing management plans in the U.S. beef industry.

All responses will be kept in strict confidence, with the data analysis being released in summary form only with no identifying information included.

The survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete and includes questions related to your cattle operation and grazing management practices. The study is being conducted by Kansas State University faculty and graduate student researchers.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Ashley McDonald at or Cassie Aherin at Kansas State University at


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gary e olsen

Proper grazing will be determined by the number of game birds and ranch animals in a certain environmental location for the individual range location, which is called the ecological site, or range site. Grazing capacity needs to be determined by vegetation density and vigor of the native or introduced plants in that site.
Education is key to proper determine the proper carrying capacity of a particular pasture.

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