Workshops for Growing Food Businesses: Opportunities Under Montana’s New Food Law
Click on a location and date below to register for that workshop.
Bozeman – April 5 at the Lindley Center (10:15 – 4pm)
Billings – April 7 at the Billings Food Bank (9:15 – 3pm)
Arlee – April 13 at the Heart View Center (9:15 – 3pm)
Great Falls – April 15 at the Times Square Building (9:15 – 3pm)
April Workshops
Bringing together growers and business owners with resource people such as DPHHS, county sanitarians, the Montana Food and Ag Development Centers, and extension, the workshop create opportunities to build relationships and networks, and offer strategies and assistance in formulating next steps to continue growing our local Montana food economy. These workshops are for food entrepreneurs, direct market farmers, state and local health officials, business and economic development directors, local food non-profits, and folks with cottage food business ideas.
– See more at: http://www.aeromt.org/workshops/#sthash.3OIUTEsZ.dpuf