Hinman Angus


Dear Friends, 

We, like you, have to be very excited about the cattle market that we have seen in 2014 and 2015. We appreciate the calls that we have had about your calf sales and it would put a smile on anyone’s face. We are very excited to be a little part of our customers’ success. With the cattle numbers where they are, we should see a strong market for some time. 

All of us at HA feel very good about this year’s bulls. There are several new sire groups along with the proven ones from past sales. This year’s selection offers strong herd bull prospects, along with high performance sire groups that are large enough for you to get consistency in performance and kind. We work very hard on selecting only the bulls that pass all the stringent hoops of performance testing, with top results, in the sale! If we do our job right, yours becomes easier. 

We are pleased to have Ron Frye working with us and look forward to some innovative ways of helping to market customers’ calves as the year unfolds. 

We are very appreciative of the terrific job Bruce and Linda Hould and their crew do at their bull development center. Bruce takes extra care and pride in feeding the bulls to their potential, without going too strong, to insure there is enough condition on the bulls to breed well and yet to stay sound for many years of production. 

As always, we sincerely appreciate your support of our program. As we travel around different areas and see progeny of our bulls, it is exciting to see they are working well in the many different environments. If we can be of help for any reason, please don’t hesitate to call. Yvonne always has the coffee pot on, and with a little a notice she usually has some baked goodies. 


Dave & Yvonne 

Billy & Heidi

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