Saturday, February 15, 2025

Interim Executive Officer of the Montana Department of Livestock Named



Marty Zaluski, currently serving as the Montana State Veterinarian, was appointed the Interim Executive Officer of the Montana Department of Livestock on September 25 during a Conference Call by the Board of Livestock.

Brett DeBruycker, Chair of the Personnel Committee, recommended the appointment of  Dr Zaluski to the Interim EO position.  DeBruycker stated that Zaluski has a good handle on the workings of not only the Animal Health Division but the whole Department.  He also added that Zaluski has experience and understanding of the Department.

[EasyDNNGallery|2767|Width|300|Height|300|position|left|resizecrop|False|lightbox|False|title|False|description|False|redirection|False|LinkText||]John Scully, agreed that the recommendation was appropriate as Zaluski is very well skilled to take on the job. According to Scully, as State Veterinarian, Marty Zaluzki managed his employee base very well with evaluations twice a year. He managed difficult political situations and he handled the professional end of his position with a great deal of  ethical consideration and straight forwardness. He met the public well in difficult circumstances.

The negotiated terms are as follows:

Zaluski will remain a Classified State Employee with all the employment rights that currently go with his position.

His duties will expand to include both those of the State Veterinarian and the Executive Officer of the Department.

The Board of Livestock will compensate Zaluski at the rate of $51.74 per hour during the term of the appointment. At the end of the appointment his salary will revert back to his current  pay as State Veterinarian. 

The term will extend from September 28 to December 31, 2015.  The appointment will terminate on December 31, 2015.  The term will also terminate immediately if a permanent EO is hired.  Either the BOL or Zaluski will be able to terminate the term sooner with a 14 day written notice. If no EO is found by Dec 31,  an agreement between both Dr. Zaluski and the BOL can extend the term.

Zaluski will be allowed to advise the BOL in the hiring of a permanent Executive Officer. If Zaluski should decide to apply for the position himself,  he would  recluse himself from advising the Board.


Marty Clark has also moved to interim Brands Administrator.  

Northern Ag Network:  We would like to thank Maggie Nutter for attending the Board of Livestock Conference Call and providing this report.    

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