International Rangeland Congress, Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada


Canada will be hosting the 10th International Rangeland Congress in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

While the Congress officially kicks off with Opening Ceremonies on Sunday, July 17th there are three spectacular Pre-Congress Tours that delegates can register for.

All tours depart from Saskatoon and return on Saturday, July 16th. 

7-Day Tour – July 10 to 16, 2016 – $2150 CAD (+ tax) per person based on double occupancy

On this tour you will learn about range research at three research centres being visited, go horseback riding, watch stock dogs in action, be entertained by cowboy poetry, hike the native prairie, take a gondola ride up the Rocky Mountains

4-Day Tour – July 13 to 16, 2016 – $1030 CAD (+tax) per person based on double occupany

Stops include a pioneer museum, a provincially managed community pasture, two cattle ranches, a bison ranch, a dairy operation, a University-run research ranch and an agriculture college 

3-Day Tour – July 14 to 16, 2016 – $720 CAD (+tax) per person based on double occupancy

Stops include a native prairie conservation area, the largest earth-filled dam in Canada (Gardiner Dam), a federal agriculture research station, a cattle ranch and community pasture, Grasslands National Park

Registration for Pre-Congress tours closes May 15, 2016!

To Register for a Pre-Congress Tour, please visit:

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