July is Bison Month!


The following is a press release from the National Bison Association:

Westminster, CO (July 1, 2011) – The American public’s love for deliciously healthy bison meat has sales sizzling-and bison ranchers scrambling to build herds-as the industry celebrates July as National Bison Month. 

National Bison Month, celebrated each July, is a time in which American bison producers and marketers promote the delicious taste of bison burgers, steaks and roasts as a summer grilling alternative. According to the National Bison Association, the growing demand for bison meat reflects the desire among many people to enjoy great tasting food that is part of a healthy lifestyle, and a healthy environment.

“There’s no doubt that people are embracing the great taste, the great nutrition, and the sustainable story of bison,” said Dave Carter, executive director of the National Bison Association. There’s nothing more all-American than a bison burger, or steak on the summertime grill. 

Because of the growing popularity of bison meat, the National Bison Association is undertaking a campaign to promote the “Bison Advantage to producers, and to prospective producers. The association’s recently-released Bison Producers Handbook contains 260 pages of information contributed by more than 30 experts in all phases of buffalo ranching, processing and marketing.

“If people want to enjoy bison meat this July, they can find plenty of recipes on the NBA website at www.bisoncentral.com. If people are interested in getting involved in bison ranching, we have information on the website for that as well,” Carter said. 

Carter noted that bison meat is becoming increasingly easy to find in retail stores and on restaurant menus. Most natural food stores, and many conventional supermarkets, now stock a selection of bison meat. Farmers’ markets across the country are also popular outlets for locally-grown bison meat.

And, the National Bison Association’s website, www.bisoncentral.com, contains a “Where to Buy” tab, which allows consumers across the country to easily locate locally-raised bison meat. The site also contains nutritional data on bison meat as well as cooking tips and recipes.


Source:  National Bison Association

Posted by Haylie Shipp


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