The 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee's report was released last week, and contained many conflicting and misleading recommendations.
For example: the Committee has endorsed the Mediterranean style diet, which has higher red meat levels than currently consumed in the U.S., yet they have left lean meat out of what they consider to be a healthy dietary pattern.
It is important for you to stay engaged and urge the Secretaries to carefully review the comments received during the comment period, review the strength of the scientific evidence the Committee used for its report, and ensure the 2015 Dietary Guidelines are not misleading, contradictory or confusing for Americans.
1: You can write your own comments or you can click HERE for sample comments
2. Copy and Paste the sample comments or type your own comments in the text box HERE.
Encouraging Healthy Choices for America’s Dinner Table
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourage Americans to eat a healthy diet and focus on foods and beverages that help achieve and maintain a healthy weight, promote health and prevent disease.
The first edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans was released in 1980 and is now reviewed, updated and published every five years in a joint effort between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
HHS and USDA appoint a committee of nationally recognized experts in the fields of nutrition and health to review the new scientific and medical knowledge current at the time. Based on their review of the literature, the Committee prepares a report for the Secretaries with their recommendation for the next edition of the Dietary Guidelines.
Traditionally, the Committee addresses issues such as nutrient intake, serving sizes, dietary patterns, physical activity, and food safety. However, this year the Committee has branched out to include sustainability as a priority.
2015 Dietary Guidelines Update
On February 19, the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee report was made available to the public.
Though mentioned in a footnote, the report excluded “lean meats” from a healthful dietary pattern.
The Committee included recommendations on topics outside nutrition and health including sustainability, which is outside their purview and expertise.
The public comment period ends April 8, 2015. NCBA has requested for the comment period of 45 days to be extended to 120 days.
Misleading Recommendations
The Committee has contradicted itself on numerous occasions, excluding evidence from its review library and making recommendations without sufficient scientific evidence to support them.
Excluding “lean meats” from a healthy dietary pattern is inconsistent from the 2010 Dietary Guidelines and the 2015 Advisory Committee’s discussions. The Committee has endorsed food patterns such as the Mediterranean– style diet, which is higher in red meat levels than current U.S. diets, but then removes “lean meats” from what the report states as a dietary pattern associated with positive health benefits.
The recommendation to reduce consumption of red meats is also inconsistent with the government’s consumption data. The protein food group is one of the only food categories consumed within the recommended daily values.
Lean meat is the most nutrient-dense food source, providing high levels of essential nutrients with fewer calories than other sources.
For more information and to submit comments, CLICK HERE
Source: National Cattlemen's Beef Association