Thursday, January 16, 2025

Less Money for the EPA & Land Acquisitions?


The House Appropriations Committee has released the fiscal year 2012 Interior and Environment Appropriations bill – which will be considered by the House Interior Environment Subcommittee today. The legislation includes funding for the Department of the Interior and the Environmental Protection Agency among other independent and related agencies. Altogether the bill would provide 27.5-billion dollars – an eight-percent cut – in discretionary spending. The EPA budget would be cut by 18-percent and the Interior Department’s cut seven-percent.

The Appropriations Committee boasts a 22-percent cut to climate change programs – a reduction of the land acquisition budget to one-fifth its current size and a tightening of the purse strings to choke off money for several regulatory efforts. House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers said he believes Americans are sick to death of excessive government spending and regulation that is pushing us further and further away from economic recovery.

Source:  NAFB News Service

Posted by Haylie Shipp


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