Lots of Unplanted Acreage in MT & ND


In a dance between looming crop insurance deadlines and the desire to get a crop in the ground, farmers across the northern tier of our coverage area are nearing the point of throwing in the towel.  According to the latest crop progress reports, there are still significant chunks of land in Montana and North Dakota without anything planted.  The information below comes from the USDA NASS field offices in each state and represents progress as of this past Sunday.

Montana:   While dry pees and lentils are nearing planting completion, only 79{dfeadfe70caf58f453a47791a362966239aaa64624c42b982d70b175f7e3dda2} of the Big Sky State’s durum wheat has been planted.  That’s compared with the 96{dfeadfe70caf58f453a47791a362966239aaa64624c42b982d70b175f7e3dda2} five-year average.  Only 83{dfeadfe70caf58f453a47791a362966239aaa64624c42b982d70b175f7e3dda2} of the spring wheat crop has been seeded at a time when all of the crop is normally in the ground.  Along with delayed planting, overall, crop conditions are now rated lower this year compared to last year at this time, using good to excellent condition as a gauge. Cold and wet conditions continue to adversely affect most of the crops.  See full report…

North Dakota:  Producers still have a long way to go for durum wheat.  The latest numbers show that 39{dfeadfe70caf58f453a47791a362966239aaa64624c42b982d70b175f7e3dda2} of the crop has been planted.  The five-year average is 98{dfeadfe70caf58f453a47791a362966239aaa64624c42b982d70b175f7e3dda2}.  Eighty-two percent of spring wheat has been planted at a time when, just like Montana, all of the crop would normally be in the ground.  As you could expect, the northwest district of North Dakota is seeing the smallest percentage of crops in the ground with only 20{dfeadfe70caf58f453a47791a362966239aaa64624c42b982d70b175f7e3dda2} of barley planted, 15{dfeadfe70caf58f453a47791a362966239aaa64624c42b982d70b175f7e3dda2} of durum wheat and 27{dfeadfe70caf58f453a47791a362966239aaa64624c42b982d70b175f7e3dda2} of spring wheat.  See full report…

South Dakota:  Unlike their neighbors to the north, South Dakota does see all spring wheat in the ground.  Sixteen percent is in the boot stage and 2{dfeadfe70caf58f453a47791a362966239aaa64624c42b982d70b175f7e3dda2} has headed.  With reports of custom cutters heading towards South Dakota in the next week to ten days, we now see 37{dfeadfe70caf58f453a47791a362966239aaa64624c42b982d70b175f7e3dda2} of the winter wheat now headed.  The first cutting of alfalfa made huge progress in the last week and is now 30{dfeadfe70caf58f453a47791a362966239aaa64624c42b982d70b175f7e3dda2} complete.  See full report…

Wyoming:  The Cowboy State still sees 15{dfeadfe70caf58f453a47791a362966239aaa64624c42b982d70b175f7e3dda2} of their projected spring wheat acreage unplanted.  Thirty-eight percent of the crop has already emerged.  Barley emergence is pegged at 87{dfeadfe70caf58f453a47791a362966239aaa64624c42b982d70b175f7e3dda2}, just a touch shy of last year’s progress and the five-year average.  Fifty-six percent of sugarbeets have emerged.  The five-year average is 89{dfeadfe70caf58f453a47791a362966239aaa64624c42b982d70b175f7e3dda2}.  Eighty-nine percent of corn has been planted and 6{dfeadfe70caf58f453a47791a362966239aaa64624c42b982d70b175f7e3dda2} of alfalfa has now been harvested.  See full report…

© Northern Ag Network 2011

Haylie Shipp


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