Lower Birch Creek Watershed Close-Out, Valier MT


BOZEMAN, Mont., April 14, 2016On April 27, 2016, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the Pondera County Canal and Reservoir Company will close out the Lower Birch Creek Watershed plan. The event is open to the public.

The Lower Birch Creek Watershed Project began in 1982 to upgrade irrigation infrastructure and improve the quality of water in streams and rivers. It was designated for funding and technical assistance through NRCS’s Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Program (P.L. 566).


Over more than three decades, NRCS and the Pondera County Canal and Reservoir Company completed nearly 100 structures at a cost of nearly $8 million. “Without the partnership with NRCS, the Canal Company could never have done it on its own,” said Vern Stokes, manager of the Pondera County Canal and Reservoir Company. “Our delivery and our efficiencies have been greatly improved.”


The event will begin at 1:00 p.m. at the Pondera County Canal and Reservoir Company office at 501 Pondera, Valier. Part of the close-out will include a tour of a structure near Lake Frances. Speakers will include Lisa Coverdale, NRCS state conservationist for Montana; Vern Stokes, manager, Pondera County Canal and Reservoir Co., Steve Becker, Darryl Baker and Mark Yerger, all NRCS engineers.


Anyone who would like to participate and needs special accommodations should contact Lori Valadez, NRCS state public affairs specialist at 406-587-6969 or lori.valadez@mt.usda.gov prior to the event.

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