MDOL to Update Status of Trich Investigation


The following is a press release from the MDOL:

The Montana Department of Livestock will meet with local livestock producers during Indian Butte Grazing Association meeting to discuss the trichomoniasis investigation in Fergus and surrounding counties.

The meeting, which is free and open to the public, is scheduled for 6 p.m. April 19 at the new fire hall in Roy.

Dr. Tahnee Szymanski, staff veterinarian for MDOL, said multiple herds in the area have tested positive for trichomothe niasis. MDOL, local veterinarians and local producers are working together to quickly eradicate the disease in the area.

Trichomoniasis is a venereal disease of cattle caused by a parasitic protozoan. The disease can be economically devastating to producers due to repeat breeding, extended calving, early and occasional late-term abortion, and a high percentage of open cows at pregnancy check. Economic losses to the U.S. beef industry from reduced conception rates, lower weaning weights and increased culling exceed $100 million annually.

For additional information on trichomoniasis or the department’s new trich rules, please see the department’s web site at

Source:  Montana DOL

Posted by Haylie Shipp


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