Montana Pork Producers Council Annual Meeting, Great Falls MT


The Annual Meeting of Montana Pork Producers Council is scheduled for Thursday, January 19, 2017, at the Mansfield Civic Center in Great Falls. This event occurs during the same week of the MT Agricultural & Industrial Expo (MAGIE) show. Scheduling the same week ensures a higher number of producers are able to attend the MPPC event.

A limited number of rooms are available at the La Quinta Inn and Suites on 600 River Drive South at the rate of $90.00 includig tax until January 1st. Please call (406) 761-2600 and specify that you are reserving a room from the Montana Pork Producers block. You will need to present a method of payment at that time and specify smoking or nonsmoking.

The tradeshow is very important to the MPPC meeting. You are invited to exhibit your product or service all day January 19. Set up times are the evening of January 18 between 2-6 pm or from 7:00-8am on January 19 and taken down after 6 pm the same day. In 2017, booths will be preassigned based on choices made during registation.

Once again, we are offering a top quality, evening meal without a program. The goal of this change is to allow time for vendors to interact with clients, while not increasing company costs with dinner off-grounds. Please note we are offering additional meal tickets to ensure your ability to gather current and potential clients around the table at the MPPC event. A limited number of meal tickets are available the day of the event – $5 for lunch & $15 for dinner.
Sponsorship applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Payments may arrive via this online system, check via mail or check/cash at the event. If an invoice is needed to process your company payment, please mark that selection under additional payment options.

CLICK HERE for more information

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