The Montana Wool Growers Association is pleased to announce the scholarship winners of the 2015 MWGA Young Entrepreneur Scholarships. Applicants were required to write a one-page letter explaining their history in the sheep industry, an overview of their current operations, and where they see themselves in the future of the sheep industry. Sarah Spear and Kacie Killen were chosen to represent Montana at the American Sheep Industry (ASI) Convention, participating in the Young Entrepreneur Program, held January 27-30th in Scottsdale, Arizona. Both recipients will receive an all-expenses paid trip to the convention and will be discussing producer issues, successes, and opportunities. Other topics to be covered include social media, wool and lamb direct-marketing opportunities, political action updates, and round table discussions.
[EasyDNNGallery|3370|Width|350|Height|350|position|left|resizecrop|False|lightbox|False|title|False|description|False|redirection|False|LinkText||]Sarah Spear comes from Buffalo, Montana and little did she know that her future in the sheep industry would start long before she was born. Second generation sheep enthusiast, Sarah was born in Washington State and raised on a commercial sheep operation in south-eastern Montana. This allowed her to acquire a love and passion for agriculture, specifically sheep, at a young age. She received her Associate of Science in Agroecology from Northwest College in Powell, Wyoming in 2014 and is currently working on her Bachelor of Science in Agroecology at MSU. Sarah had the opportunity to participate on the 2015 MSU Wool Judging Team and recent accomplishments include her ASI level one classing certificate and NSIP ultrasound scanning certificate. When not busy with school, Sarah takes every opportunity to go home and help her parents on their commercial sheep operation.
[EasyDNNGallery|3371|Width|250|Height|250|position|left|resizecrop|False|lightbox|False|title|False|description|False|redirection|False|LinkText||]A 3rd generation sheep producer, you could say Kacie Killen has it in her blood. She started at a very young age building her own small flock of 4-H ewes, which turned into a successful breeding project and resulted in being a recipient of a 4-H state award in the sheep project area. Kacie has always promoted the industry, representing Montana in the Make It With Wool Contest and being chosen as the National MIWW Senior Ambassador in 2006. She currently works on the family ranch in Angela, MT, where she takes care of the livestock operations, including 600 head of sheep. She has recently gotten back into the sheep business personally and runs her flock alongside the ranch herd. Kacie also loves spending time hunting, fishing, and tries her hand at bowling league.
Monies used to provide the scholarship are generated by Montana’s sheep industry itself. At the 2nd Annual Montana Ewe Sale held in Miles City on September 16th, 2015, a Targhee yearling ewe donated by Betty Sampsel of Stanford, Montana (Hughes Newford Co.), was sold and resold eight times to help raise funds to send beginning Montana sheep producers to the Young Entrepreneur workshop held during the ASI Convention. The following people are responsible for helping make this trip possible: Brad Boner (Cole Creek Ranch, Glenrock, WY), Lisa Kimsy (Manderson, WY), Randy Tunby, Mike Green, Jack McRae (all of Montana), Sieben Livestock (Helena, MT), Sieben Ranch (Helena, MT), Hollenbeck Land and Livestock (Molt, MT) Harvey Bieber (Brockway, MT) and Hughes Newford Company (Stanford, MT).
The young entrepreneur workshop is one of many efforts undertaken by the Montana Wool Growers Association to help young producers get into and succeed in the sheep industry.
The Montana Wool Growers Association was established in 1883, making it the oldest agricultural organization in the state. MWGA has faithfully served Montana’s sheep producers and community banks for over one hundred and thirty years and gives our members the multi-level support they need to serve their local communities and to run successful sheep production operations. MWGA’s members are dedicated solely to meeting the nation’s food and fiber needs, and to providing the foundation for Montana’s local businesses and families to prosper. To learn more about the Wool Growers Association or its membership, please contact Jesse Wallewein, Executive Secretary, at (406) 450-3429 or visit for more information