More Dairy Cows Coming to Beef Market


Later this year, an unspecified number of dairy cows will be hitting the beef market as Cooperatives Working Together (CWT) carries out another dairy herd retirement round.

The producer-funded program states that after reviewing a number of economic benchmarks including cull rates and cull cow prices, they believe that a herd retirement at this time will add to positive momentum and should result in speeding up the milk price recovery already in progress. 

This is the tenth herd retirement since CWT began operations in the summer of 2003.  The most recent was just this past fall.  As was the case in last year’s retirement rounds, no target has been set for the volume of milk or the number of cows to be removed.  They started accepting bids on Friday and will continue doing so through June 25th.

For is available from CWT’s website.

© Northern Ag Network 2010

Haylie Shipp


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