More Time Allowed for Child Labor Comments!


UPDATE:  Since posting this story on Thursday morning, an extension for the proposed child labor laws has been granted.  According to the office of Montana Congressman Denny Rehberg, the comment period will now end December 1, 2011.

A bipartisan group of 78 members of the House of Representatives have signed on to a letter to Labor Secretary Hilda Solis requesting more time on a proposed rule that could dramatically shift the way work is done on the farm or ranch.  The proposal, which you can read more about in “No Feedlots, Chasing Cows or Tractors for Kids?,” aims to keep children safer by limiting the number of agricultural jobs that they can do.

The text of the letter and list of the 78 members that signed on can be found below this video comment from Montana’s Congressman Denny Rehberg:


You can submit your comments to the Department of Labor by calling 1-888-232-2626 or by clicking HERE.

Letter to the U.S. Labor Secretary:

Dear Secretary Solis:


We are writing to request an extension to the comment period for proposed changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act that would affect the ability of farmers and ranchers to hire youth to work in agriculture.  This rule, RIN 1235-AA06, would have vast implications for the agriculture industry, and the original 60 days allowed for comment are not enough for the affected parties to express their concerns.


As currently drafted, this proposal contains provisions that affect a wide variety of the sub-sectors within agriculture.  These proposed regulations would affect those involved in livestock and grain production, commodity transport, youth agricultural education, and other sectors.  It challenges the conventional wisdom of what defines a family farm in the United States.  Farmers, ranchers, and all interested parties need time to examine the consequences and allow their voices to be heard accordingly.


We strongly urge you to consider extending the comment period an additional 60 days, until January 1. Thank you for your consideration.



Denny Rehberg (MT), Tim Johnson (IL), Randy Hultgren (IL), John Carter (TX), Dennis Cardoza (CA), Alan Nunnelee (MS), Joe Wilson (SC), Candice Miller (MI), Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO), Tom Latham (IA), Chellie Pingree (ME), Adrian Smith (NE), Mike McIntyre (NC), Jo Ann Emerson (MO), Bob Gibbs (OH), Frank Lucas (OK), Ron Paul (TX), Thomas Petri (WI), Jeff Fortenberry (NE), Lynn Jenkins (KS), Collin Peterson (MN), Marsha Blackburn (TN), Larry Bucshon (IN), Dave Loebsack (IA), Stevan Pearce (NM), Jeff Flake (AZ), Ben Lujan (NM), Sam Graves (MO), Steven Palazzo (MS), Gregg Harper (MS), Fred Upton (MI), Todd Rokita (IN), Lynn Westmoreland (GA), Trey Gowdy (SC), Wally Herger (CA), Jim Costa (CA), Tim Holden (PA), Bill Johnson (OH), Adam Kinzinger (IL), Michele Bachmann (MN), Walter B. Jones (NC), Ted Poe (TX), Tim Walberg (MI), Phil Roe (TN), Brett Guthrie (KY), James Lankford (OK), Leonard Boswell (IA), Dan Benishek (MI), Erik Paulsen (MN), Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA), Jason Chaffetz (UT), John Kline (MN), Devin Nunes (CA), Greg Walden (OR), Sean Duffy (WI), David McKinley (WV), Rodney Alexander (LA), Michael Conaway (TX), Dan Burton (IN), Tom Graves (GA), Bill Huizenga (MI), Ron Kind (WI), Dan Lungren (CA), Tom Reed (NY), Rob Bishop (UT), Bruce Braley (IA), Marlin Stutzman (IN), Jeff Denham (CA), Phil Gingrey (GA), Billy Long (MO), Howard Coble (NC), Steven LaTourrette (OH), Rick Crawford (AR), Tim Griffin (AR), Larry Kissell (NC), Tom McClintock (CA), Tim Walz (MN), Aaron Schock (IL)


© Northern Ag Network 2011

Haylie Shipp


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