Montana FWP has released Coyote Trapping Regulations to go before the Fish and Wildlife Commission on November 12 at 8:30 a.m. The regulations are deemed necessary by FWP in order to encourage a grizzly bear delisting from the Endangered Species list.
If passed, the regulations would require all trappers inside the geographic scope identified by federal court order to:
- Anyone using traps or snares must obtain a free Supplemental Trapping Permit when trapping raccoon, badger, red fox, striped skunk, spotted skunk, weasel, and coyotes.
- Livestock protective trapping activities conducted by a trapper or livestock producer would require a signed affidavit stating the name of the producer, that the producer has given permission for trapping activities on their land, and the county where the trapping is occurring.
- Recreational trappers will not be required to complete an affidavit but would still be required to obtain the Supplemental Trapping Permit.
- In the event of a grizzly bear capture in any trap in the state, recreational trappers will be subject to increased restrictions on trapping and snaring.
MSGA has expressed its concerns after reviewing the proposed regulation which include:
- MSGA does not support the collection of identifying landowner information as part of the affidavit.
- MSGA recognizes the proposed declaration includes an acknowledgement of landowner permission but has concerns a landowner’s name could be written without their knowledge and would not know until an enforcement action was taken.
- MSGA believes the same result can be achieved by the department assuming trapping and snaring is being done for livestock depredation and those who are choosing to trap for recreational purposes can self-identify whether through an affidavit or other process.
- MSGA asks that the regulations include a sunset clause if the USFWS petition review results in keeping the grizzly bear listed. If grizzly bears remain listed, then it becomes clear that regulations on coyote trapping are irrelevant to a listing decision and therefore do not need to remain in place.
Montana Stockgrowers Association