MT Governor Fills Finals Opening on Board of Livestock


On Friday, Governor Steve Bullock announced his pick for the final open seat on the Montana Board of Livestock.  Lila Taylor, a former Montana State Representative and long time Montana rancher has accepted the position that will run through March of 2021.  

[EasyDNNGallery|1692|Width|350|Height|350|position|left|resizecrop|False|lightbox|False|title|False|description|False|redirection|False|LinkText||]Taylor grew up in the livestock industry as her family ranched near Roundup.  They first ran a dairy and later were able to purchase their first registered cattle, eventually building a registered Hereford herd.  One lesson she never forgot was knowing when the payments on the ranch were due and making sure the dollars for those payments were in the bank.

Over the past 40 years, Taylor and her husband have ranched in Big Horn County.  They first worked for his family's commercial cow-calf operation, eventually taking ownership of the ranch and business.  During this time, they were able to raise three sons, who now also work the business with them. 

Taylor was elected to the Montana House District 5 in 1995 and served on the Appropriations, Agriculture and Natural Resource Committees.  In the letter Taylor submitted for her consideration for appointment to the Board of Livestock, she says “I have not been blind to the issues surrounding the board, but I am not afraid to help make a difference.”

In addition to her legislative experience, Taylor, a graduate of Montana State University, has also been a member of Montana Stockgrowers Association, Montana Farm Bureau Federation and the Northern International Livestock Exposition.  




(c) Northern Ag Network 2015

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