Saturday, February 8, 2025

National Hard Red Spring Wheat Show in ND


The following is a press release from North Dakota State University:

CLICK HERE for the full show schedule.

Danny Klinefelter, well known agriculture economist from Texas A&M University, will be the featured speaker during the 58th National Hard Spring Wheat Show scheduled February 7, 8 and 9 at Williston, North Dakota.

Danny Klinefelter will speak on two issues. They are: 1) Twelve Best Management Practices, and 2) Being Prepared to Borrow in a Risk Management Environment.

Dr. Klinefelter is a seasoned Professor and Extension Economist with experience in commercial banking and agriculture production. He is director of the Executive Program for Agriculture Producers (TEPAP) and co-director of the Texas A&M Family Owner-Managed Business Program. In addition, he serves as executive secretary for the Association of Agricultural Production Executives (AAPEX). He is also a member of the board of Ag Texas Farm Credit Service and president of his family’s Illinois farm corporation.

In addition to his academic career, Dr. Klinefelter spent ten years in commercial banking and the Farm Credit program. He is author or co-author of eight books and over 400 articles on management and finance. In 2009, the 25th anniversary issue of the Top Producer magazine listed him as one of the 25 people in the world who will have the greatest influence of American agriculture.

Another priority speaker scheduled for the Wheat Show is Joe Victor, Business Development Specialist with Minneapolis Grain Exchange. Mr. Victor will present a 2011market outlook for wheat, corn, soybeans and discuss global issues which may impact profitability of agriculture producers. Mr. Victor was Vice-President at Allendale, one of the largest commodity research advisory firms in mid-America and one of the brokerage firms that develops its own research. While at Allendale he was responsible for conducting research on grains and livestock in order to provide the worldwide data needed to inform and guide their clients. He has experience in conducting historical, statistical,and analytical research in the agriculture industry (grain and livestock) and providing consulting on trading services in agriculture, natural gas and precious metals industries.

Also part of this year’s agenda is Doug Goehring, North Dakota Commissioner of Agriculture and numerous speakers representing the North Dakota State University Extension Service, Natural Resource Conservation Service of USDA, Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory and Dakota Environmental, Inc. These speakers will discuss many topics including crop rotations, using the North Dakota Agriculture Weather Network to predict crop growth and application of management practices, crop disease management, wheat variety performance, building soil health and developing a spill prevention, control and countermeasures (SPCC) plan.

Sam Ting – He is a Norwegian from Ommee, North Dakota (Tom Gibson) Tom has been a free-lance environmental education/entertainer since 1986. He developed his first program, Pierre Bottineau, during the summer of 1983 and continues to portray him along with several other characters (Sam Ting) in his work to promote environmental education and awareness.

The recognition luncheon on Wednesday, February 9, will feature “The Attitude Virus” presented by Terry Fleck “The Attitude Doctor”. Terry has been conducting seminars and training sessions for over ten years.  He has worked throughout the United States and Canada.

Other activities of the Wheat Show include a Bread Fair for approximately 300 area 5th grade students, trade show and a photography contest.


Source:  North Dakota State University

Posted by Haylie Shipp


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