ND Crop Insurance Conference, Fargo ND


Crop Insurance Conference Set for Jan. 18 in Fargo

The goal is to help participants integrate crop insurance and other risk management strategies in production and marketing decisions.

The latest information on crop insurance will be presented at the North Dakota State University Extension Service’s annual crop insurance conference in Fargo on Jan.18. The conference will provide practical information for agricultural producers, and agribusiness professionals, as well as crop insurance agents.

A registration fee of $110 includes a social on the evening of Jan. 17, and continental breakfast, lunch, breaks and conference materials on Jan. 18.

The conference will be held at the Ramada Plaza Suites and Convention Center and starts at 8 a.m. with a session on ethics in the workplace.

Other conference topics are:

  • Weather outlook for 2016
  • Crop insurance issues in Washington
  • Spring wheat margin protection
  • Malt barley endorsement
  • Economic outlook for 2016
  • Acreage reporting: Use of precision ag data
  • Big data implications for crop insurance agents
  • Dealing with data and drones: The legal challenges of farming in the future
  • Drone applications in agriculture

Continuing education credits for North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota are available to crop insurance agents.

For more information or to register, visit https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/farmmanagement/ or call (701) 231-8642.

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