New Montana Cattle Committee to Focus on Profitability

by Brett McRae

This year Montana’s entire cattle industry seems laser-focused on strengthening profitability.

At the upcoming Legislative Session, an impressive group of leaders and organizations who support that goal, will propose a new “Montana Cattle Committee” as a statutory commodity board, similar to the Montana Wheat and Barley, or Montana Pulse Crops Committees.

The proposed legislation calls for a future statewide referendum, where all Montana cattle producers would get to vote on the idea.  The concept is new to Montana, but it mirrors popular efforts in several other states, where effective cattle industry self-help programs are experiencing a lot of success.

Specific details about the proposed Montana Cattle Committee have been published on a brand-new website,, to explain:

  • the kinds of efforts that might be supported to promote Montana cattle and beef profitability
  • how funds will be assessed when Montana cattle are sold
  • how those funds will be allocated, and by whom
  • an option for a refund if any cattle producer chooses not to support the program
  • the requirement for a statewide referendum among all cattle sellers
  • details on how similar programs currently work in other states
  • a list of Montanans comprising the informal “Working Group” that has been developing this proposal

“Montana has never had anything like this, that could have such a positive impact on cattle profitability”, says Gene Curry of Valier, who has chaired the volunteer Working Group for the last several months.

“The only thing to compare, might be the national Beef Checkoff that we have had since 1986”, says Curry, “but by federal law, that Beef Checkoff can’t be used to specifically promote Montana cattle, or Montana beef.  We think this will be a game-changer for Montana cattle producers.”

Those who wish to support this mission with a financial contribution, or who just want to learn more about this effort to enhance Montana cattle industry profitability, are encouraged to visit:

For more information contact:


Montana Cattle Committee

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