New Online Tool to Help Purchase Weed Free Forage Products in Wyoming


CHEYENNE (SEPTEMBER 26, 2016) – The use of weed free forage is an important invasive species prevention tool.  Weed Free Forage products should be used to help prevent the introduction of weed seeds into new and susceptible areas.  Examples are hay mulch for reclamation, and feed for horses and stock in the backcountry.  On all National Forests, and BLM lands within several Wyoming counties, certified hay is required.  In response to the many public requests for information on weed free forage and straw, the Wyoming Weed and Pest Council has developed an online map to help the public find available product.


The address for this new interactive map is With this interactive map users can find information for producers and businesses selling certified weed-free products across the state. With a click of a mouse on a point you have the available product and contact information. You can scroll in, out and pan on the map to view different areas either using your mouse wheel or the option buttons on the map. Following the instructions on the page you can turn on and off the different forage products layers, bring up and search the table showing all the information.


The information is provided and updated periodically by the local Weed and Pest Control Districts responsible for certifying the fields with the permission of each producer.


For further information, contact your local Weed and Pest district with questions or for more information or visit the Wyoming Weed and Pest Council website at

Source:  Wyoming Weed and Pest Council

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