New Route for Keystone XL Pipeline Nearly Done


The following article is from the Associated Press:

by James MacPherson

BISMARCK, N.D.—An executive with a Canadian company attempting to build a $7 billion pipeline to carry oil from Canada to refineries along the Gulf Coast says a new proposed route will be proposed soon.

Speaking Wednesday in Bismarck, TransCanada Corp.’s Alex Pourbaix told North Dakota officials and oil industry representatives that the company would present its amended plan to federal regulators “in a matter of a very few weeks.”

The U.S. government in November delayed a decision on granting a permit for Keystone XL, largely because of worries about the pipeline’s environmental impact, especially in Nebraska.

The disputed route runs through six states from Canada to Texas. So-called feeder pipelines would connect the Keystone XL to the rich oil fields in North Dakota and Montana.

Source:  Associated Press

Posted by Haylie Shipp


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