NFU Recognizes Members, Local Organizations for Excellence in Membership and Leadership


KANSAS CITY, Mo. – National Farmers Union (NFU) today recognized the efforts of members, county and local organizations for their excellence in membership recruitment and outreach at the NFU 116th Anniversary Convention.


“A strong grassroots network is the backbone of a family farmer-led organization,” said NFU President Roger Johnson. “Our peer-driven approach to membership and outreach is what keeps our organization rooted in rural America, and I am honored to recognize the efforts of these dedicated leaders.”


Annually, National Farmers Union presents one or more awards to individuals, local chapters, and state divisions. Sherri Dugger of Indiana Farmers Union received this year’s Membership Achievement Award for her dedication to grassroots recruiting. NFU also acknowledged 23 local, county and district sub-divisions with the Leadership Achievement Award for their outstanding leadership and service to their communities.


“Thanks to the dedication of members and divisions like those honored today, Farmers Union has been able to grow our robust grassroots network over the course of the last year,” Johnson concluded. “NFU proudly represents nearly 200,000 family farm and ranch members across the nation, and will continue to be the strongest advocate for the well-being of all American family farmers and ranchers.”


A full list of the Leadership Achievement Award winners can be found here.




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About NFU
National Farmers Union has been working since 1902 to protect and enhance the economic well-being and quality of life for family farmers, ranchers and rural communities through advocating grassroots-driven policy positions adopted by its membership.

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