NILE Merit Heifer Application Deadline, Billings MT

NILE Merit Heifer
Introduces New Application Deadline!

BILLINGS, MONT. – The Northern International Livestock Exposition (NILE) is once again taking applications for participants in the 2015- 2016 NILE Merit Heifer Program. The Merit Heifer program is a “live animal” scholarship that strives to help youth get a start in the beef cattle business by awarding heifer calves to participants chosen based on merit, future goals, and ability to care for the animal. Any youth ages 12-16, who is a 4-H or FFA member, may apply.

Due to the high volume of applicants in previous years, the NILE Merit Heifer Selection Committee has made the decision to change the deadline and give the application process a face lift. While the written application process will remain the same, this year's applicants will have to submit a 3-5 minute YouTube video of themselves that includes but is not limited to the following: an introduction, facility tour, current 4-H/FFA projects, goals & objectives for the Merit Heifer, and the video must be voiced by the applicant. Applications and YouTube video must be received no later than 5 pm June 30th, 2015.An application is availableonline at or by calling the NILE office. An example YouTube video can be seen here:Â

During the program duration, participants are responsible for raising the heifer, arranging for her to be bred, completing the record keeping procedure and bringing the animal back one year later as a bred replacement heifer for exhibit at the NILE Stock Show.

Bill Pelton, Merit Heifer Chairman, says, “This program would not be possible without the generous support of our donor ranchers and we are very grateful to them.” This year the NILE will select twenty-five recipients and match them up with donors from across the region. In addition to application from eligible recipients, the NILE is also taking applications from ranches wishing to participate through the donation of a heifer calf.

For more information regarding the NILE Merit Heifer Program, please go to:, email Shelby at shelby@thenile.orgor call the NILE Office at 406.256.2495

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