Feb. 17 NPPGA Research Reporting Conference agenda Grand Forks, ND
Feb. 17 NPPGA Annual Meeting Grand Forks, ND
Feb. 17 NPPGA Potato Associates Annual Meeting Alerus Center – Meeting Room 1 @ 4:00 PM Grand Forks, ND
Feb. 17 NPPGA Chairman's and Awards Banquet Grand Forks, ND
Feb. 18-19 International Crop Expo potato program schedule Grand Forks, ND
Feb. 18 AgCouintry Young Farmer Breakfast Grand Forks, ND
Feb. 18 Red River Valley Fresh Co-op Annual Meeting Grand Forks, ND
Feb. 18 Minn-Dak Bargaining Co-op Annual Meeting Grand Forks, ND
Feb. 18 ND Certified Seed Potato Annual Meeting Grand Forks, ND
Feb. 18 USPB Long Range Planning Input Session Grand Forks, ND
Feb. 19 NDSU-U of M Potato Scout School Grand Forks, ND