PHOENIX, AZ – The National Wheat Foundation (NWF) presented the Jerry Minore Scholarship to this year’s recipients at an event in the BASF booth at Commodity Classic today. NWF is pleased to announce the recipients of the Scholarship: Matthew Stubbs of Colorado State University, Maya Wahl of Lind-Ritzville High School in Washington, Faith Wendte of the University of Illinois, and John Rosman of Oklahoma State University.
NWF partnered with BASF to award four scholarships to students who have a personal connection to the wheat industry and a planned career path in the agriculture industry. The scholarship is named in honor of Jerry Minore, who was a longtime friend of the wheat industry and an advocate for wheat farmers.
“It is encouraging to see so many up and coming young leaders in agriculture. I am pleased to present the scholarship to these four recipients and look forward to their future success in leading this great industry,” said Dusty Tallman, chairman of NWF.
To honor Jerry’s life and work, the Minore Memorial Scholarship funds two $1,500 scholarships and two $1,000 scholarships for the 2014-2015 academic year.
Matthew is a member of the CSU Air Force ROTC, majors in both Soil and Crop Science and Ag Business, and has helped his parents during harvest since he was 10-years-old.
Maya was the valedictorian of her graduating class, has been a member of Future Farmers of America since 2009, and aspires to attend Kansas State University to study Ag Journalism and Political Science.
Faith purchased her first piece of farm ground in December 2013, during her sophomore year of college, desiring to learn about being a landowner and operator.
John currently possesses a 4.0 GPA, owns and operates 10 head of Registered Angus Cattle, and has served as FFA president for his local chapter during 2010-2012.
Souce: National Wheat Foundation