Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Performance on the Prairie Bull Sale


Welcome to the 13th Annual Performance on the Prairie Bull Sale!! The Gibbs and Stortz families hope you enjoy this sneak peek of some of the bulls and a view of the catalog.  This year we are offering 125 yearling Angus bulls. 

We have 18 Long Distance sons that will be SUITABLE FOR HEIFERS along with Long Haul, Ten X, Really Windy and Substantial.  The GROWTH AND MATERNAL sires represented are Apex Windy, WMR Timeless, Sitz Rainmaker and Upshot.  

As we continue to head into the future, we have to keep in mind that our market is driven by the consumer. As time passes, the distance between ‘pasture and plate’ so to speak- is getting closer.  With that we strive to produce the highest quality animals we are able to- enabling our buyers to produce the same high quality cattle.  Over 3 years of carcass data on 1,039 steers, 91.7{18648621dc58566f60964eb5074c58f5f97501fe95033d5d25ee4862e704a74a} graded choice and prime with a 40{18648621dc58566f60964eb5074c58f5f97501fe95033d5d25ee4862e704a74a} CAB (Certified Angus Beef) acceptance rate.  On 1 year of heifer data on 282 head, 88{18648621dc58566f60964eb5074c58f5f97501fe95033d5d25ee4862e704a74a} of them graded choice and prime with a 40{18648621dc58566f60964eb5074c58f5f97501fe95033d5d25ee4862e704a74a} CAB acceptance rate.

Performance records and final weights will be available sale day.  All bulls will be fertility tested before delivery and we will feed bulls at no cost or risk to you until delivery time. 

We hope to see you on Wednesday, February, 25 at 1pm at Glendive Livestock Exchange.  For more information or to request a printed catalog, call Tim at 406.486.5608 or Ted at 406.584.7585.


To view the sale catalog please download Gibbs_Stortz Catalog 2015 below.

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