Taylor Brown to speak at the Red Lodge Forum for Provocative Issues.
On Tuesday January 10th, Taylor Brown will be the Guest Speaker in Red Lodge at the monthly “Red Lodge Forum for Provocative Issues”
Dinner starts at 5:30, the program shortly after 6. Everyone is invited, dress is casual. The only requirements for attending are curiosity and civility.
The forum will be at the Senior Center in Red Lodge (at 13th Street and Word Ave).
Taylor Brown will be speaking on “the relationships and attitudes of westerners with regards to the federal government”. Taylor told us he will discuss the important role of multi-generational farm families, and the challenges that they face in managing natural resources here in the west, as they provide benefits for the rest of society.
Since 2011, the Red Lodge Forum for Provocative Issues has discussed subjects of current and long standing interest. Presentations typically last 45 minutes to an hour. Q&A afterwards is often vigorous because Forum attendees are intellectually curious, educated, and diverse.
Reflecting that diversity, the forum has tackled subjects such as:,
Hydro-fracking for oil,
The history of banned books,
The politics of the Middle East,
The introduction of wolves in Yellowstone,
Healthcare before and after Obamacare,
Domestic violence and poverty,
Doctor assistance in dying,
The status of Yellowstone National Park with the park’s superintendent,
The future of the space program,
The importance of the media in a democracy,
The efforts of Native Americans to participate in America’s democracy and
Reflections on American politics with retired Senator Alan Simpson.
For further information:
Dick Nolan
Forum for Provocative Issues