Rocky Mountain Oyster Fundraiser


The 3rd Annual “BRANDING IRON” Rocky Mountain Oyster Feed is Saturday June 18, 2011 and will be held from 5pm to 9pm in downtown Billings, Montana. This event is held outside under the Big Sky in the parking lot of The Rex at 2401 Montana Ave.

The annual event is a charity fund-raiser with all proceeds equally divided between: The Montana Pro Rodeo Hall & Wall of Fame College Scholarship Fund and The Chase Hawks Memorial Association Community Crisis Fund.

Ranches across SE Montana have been busy branding the past few weeks and collecting Rocky Mountain Oysters – aka Cowboy Caviar, Montana Tendergroins, Prairie Oysters, Swinging Sirloin, Huevos del Toro or Calf Fries.

This week Russell Nemetz had a few guests join him on television to talk about this year’s event.

David Maplethorpe is the Executive Chef at The Rex and explains how he’s planning to serve these 9,000 plus true delicacies of the American West.

Admission is just $5 per person; that includes a serving of Rocky Mountain Oysters (while they last) plus your entry into a drawing for a 2011 Branding Iron T-shirt and lunch for 2 at the Rex. The festivities also include a live auction and live country music by the popular local band “Cooper & the Crowd Thinners”.

More information is available on line at or John Roberts, (President) Chase Hawks Memorial Association 406–238-1931 or Mike Okragly, (President) Montana Pro Rodeo Hall and Wall of Fame 406- 855-4900.

There will be a rifle raffle drawing at 7:15pm for a Model 94 Winchester donated by Jeff Barth of Montana Flooring. This classic 30/30 carbine with saddle ring and the large John Wayne style loop was manufactured in 1927. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. Need not be present to win.


Posted by Northern Ag Network

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