SDSU Extension 2015 Wheat Walks, SD


SDSU Extension 2015 Wheat Walks


BROOKINGS, S.D. – The 2015 SDSU Extension Wheat Walks begin May 26 near Fort Pierre in the morning and near Wall in the afternoon. They will continue on May 27 near Winner in the morning and at 4 p.m. at Agland Cooperative near Delmont. 


“The Wheat Walks provide an opportunity for wheat producers to interact with South Dakota State University Extension Specialists with regards to wheat production issues,” said Emmanuel Byamukama, SDSU Extension Plant Pathologist.


During the Wheat Walks, producers will receive current information on soil fertility, pest management and agronomy.  The schedule allows for plenty of time for small group/one-on-one interaction with specialists. There will be no charge to attend the events, thanks to sponsorship by the South Dakota Wheat Commission and South Dakota Wheat Inc. as well as local cooperatives. A meal and refreshments will be available at each location.

Wheat Walk Details

May 26 10 a.m. to 12 p.m: Morning Wheat Walk: Directions: Stanley County – From Fort Pierre go 5 miles west on S.D. Hwy 14 & 34, go north on Cut Across Rd until intersection with S.D. Hwy 1806. Take a left on 1806 and travel 5 miles.

Look for the sign Kesslers Ranch and turn left onto that gravel road. The field is immediately to north side of the gravel road.

May 26 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Afternoon Wheat Walk: Directions: Pennington County – From Wall go west on I-90 to Exit 107. Go north on Cedar Butte Road about 4-5 miles. Turn left on to gravel at 228th Street. Drive west on gravel (about 2 miles). Plots are on the north side of the road.

May 27, 2015 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.: Morning Wheat Walk: Directions: Tripp County  – From Winner, go 9 miles west on S.D. Hwy 18, 4 miles north of S.D. Hwy 183, and 1 mile west on S.D. Hwy 44/53.

May 27, 2015 4 p.m. to 6 p.m: Afternoon Wheat Walk: Directions: Douglas County – Meet at Agland Cooperative, 39833 U.S. Hwy 18, Delmont.  

– See more at:

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