Senate Agriculture Committee Swiftly Advances USDA Secretary Nominee Perdue


WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Pat Roberts, R-Kan., Chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, today announced the Committee voted to favorably report nominee Sonny Perdue to serve as the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. Perdue may now be considered by the full U.S. Senate for confirmation. 

“I’m pleased our Committee has made swift strides to move Governor Perdue’s nomination closer to the finish line,” Roberts said. “Our farmers and ranchers have been waiting too long for this important position to be filled. We need to get Governor Perdue down to USDA to get to work. Rural America is ready.” 

The Committee held a hearing on the nominee on March 23. 

Governor Perdue has the bipartisan support of six past Agriculture Secretaries. The Governor also has the support of more than 650 agriculture groups from across the nation. 

According to an article in Politico , “The timing of a full Senate vote on Perdue’s nomination is tricky. Next week the upper chamber will be dominated by intense partisan debate over the Supreme Court nomination of Neil Gorsuch. After it wraps up its business next Friday — Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has promised that Gorsuch will be confirmed by then — the chamber will break for a two-week recess.”

Sources: Senate Ag Committee Chairmans Office & Politico 

Picture: flickr and Seante Ag Committee 

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