How to raise sheep and goats and process and spin fiber are covered in the second annual Small Flock and Fiber Symposium Oct. 28-29 in Casper.
The symposium sponsored by University of Wyoming Extension is 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 28, and concludes with a herd dog and puppy command demonstration at 9 a.m. Oct. 29. The $20 fee covers all materials and lunch Friday. Reservations are required by 4 p.m. Oct. 25. Call 307-235-9400.
All Friday sessions are at the Natrona County Extension Agricultural Resource and Learning Center, 2011 Fairgrounds Road. Saturday’s herd dog demonstration is at the Central Wyoming Fair arena, 1700 Fairgrounds Road.
“We have a vibrant sheep industry,” reports Amy Hendrickson of the Wyoming Wool Growers Association, who will provide an overview of the state’s fiber industry. According to the association, sheep numbers increased more than 10,000 head from last year, with the increase largely from smaller flocks, including those of cattle producers who also raise sheep.
Symposium topics include flock forage requirements, starting a flock without land and using guardian animals with flocks. Mountain Meadow Wool Mill presents best custom fiber processing choices for small producers.
Demonstrations cover modern machine sewing techniques for wool and learning to spin wool and mohair.
Youths are invited free to a presentation by UW Extension educator Scott Cotton on quality assurance for sheep and goats at 4:30 p.m. Oct. 28. He notes the talk qualifies as a 4-H quality assurance session.
For more information or to make reservations, contact Cotton at 307-235-9400 or
Source: University of Wyoming Extension
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