The Soil & Water Conservation Districts of Montana, Montana NRCS, and Local Conservation Districts are hosting Soil Health Workshops across Montana January 14th through the 18th. Topics will include interseeding dryland cash crops, hay systems, grazing systems and cover crop species & mixes.
January 14- Great Falls at the Holiday Inn featuring Keith Berns, Derek Axten, & producer panel
January 15- *Three Forks at The Gathering Place with Race King, Keith Berns & Derek Axten
January 16th- Billings at the Big Horn Resort with Race King, Keith Berns & Derek Axten
January 17th- Forsyth at the Rosebud Fairground with Race King, Keith Berns & producer panel
January 18th- Sidney at the MSU Extension Office with Race King & Keith Berns
Workshops start at 9 A.M. and end mid-afternoon with lunch included in registration.
For more information and to register visit the Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Montana website.
*The Three Forks workshop is full