Superior Livestock Auction kicked off 2017 in Denver, Colorado with their annual Bellringer Auction January 11-12, 2017 broadcast live from the Doubletree Denver-Stapleton North. 2017 and the Bellringer Auction marked 30 years that Superior Livestock Auction has been serving the livestock industry. Cattle producers offered 83,000 head of calves, feeders and breeding stock from 32 states. The auction lasted two full days; Bellringer was broadcast live on DISH channel 232 and was streamed on Superior Livestock Auction’s Click To Bid website. 2016 was celebrated Wednesday night, January 11th, with Superior Livestock’s Rep Awards and Dinner where the top representatives from 2016 were rewarded for their hard work and dedication. Livestock Marketing Association’s 2016 World Champion Andy White made a guest appearance during the auction Wednesday. Everyone was awaiting the commence of Bellringer Auction to see if the sale would take advantage of the building bullish market atmosphere.
Yearling steers saw an increase of $4-5 higher and yearling heifers remained steady to $2 higher from Superior Livestock Auction’s last offering. While weaned steers and heifers under 575 pounds saw a drastic $10-15 increase and weaned steers and heifers over 575 pounds also saw and increase of $5-7 over our last offering. Calves on cows remained in demand and were generally $5 higher.
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Superior is the largest livestock auction in the United State and markets well over one million head of cattle annually. With over 400 representatives located throughout the United States, Superior provides a complete national marketing network that serves both buyers and sellers. Superior Livestock Auction, celebrating 30 years of serving the livestock industry.
Top Lots Included:
Brian & Pam Lindsey, Cullman, AL, 625 lbs, VAC PRECON,
Bays Cattle Co., Silver City, NM, 670 lbs, VAC 45+, Angus Source, Vitaferm Raised. Out of Herford,
Charles H. Coblentz, Chouteau, OK, 700 lbs, VAC 45+, Angus Source. Out of Black Angus cross cows by reg. Black Angus bulls. 100{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Black
Whitehurst Cattle Co., Williston, FL, 725 lbs, VAC 45+, Superior Verified, Angus Source. Out of English cross & English Brahman cross cows by outstanding Black Angus bulls. 100{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Black & BWF.
Fred Lane, Bushland, TX, 765 lbs, VAC 45+, Certified Natural Plus, Angus Source. Angus & Angus cross. 100{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Black
Roye Ranches, Inc., Stigler, OK, 780 lbs, VAC 45+,
Wayne Wilhelm, Happy, TX, 815 lbs, VAC 45+, Superior Progressive Genetics. Out of Angus, Angus cross & a few Hereford cows (90{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} originated from SD & 10{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Nebr.) cows by Sitz, SAV & Harrell Hereford bulls. Bulls have YLG EPD’s ranking in
David Zeiset, Chickasha, OK, 835 lbs, VAC 45+, Source & Age Verified, NHTC, Superior Progressive Genetics, Angus Source. Out of Angus cows by re. Angus (Bradley 3 & Connealy Consensus bloodlines) bulls. 100{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Black
Boot Ranch, Douglas, WY, 850 lbs, VAC 45, Superior Verified, NHTC, Certified Natural Plus, GAP 4, Superior Progressive Genetics. Out of English & English
Bergkamp Farm & Ranch, Hutchinson, KS, 870 lbs, VAC 45+, Superior Progressive Genetics, Angus Source. Out of Angus & Angus cross cows by reg. McCurry Angus Ranch & Connealy Angus bulls.
Joe Warren, Uniontown, KS, 900 lbs. Approx. 90-95{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Black & BWF & 2-3
Bays Cattle Co., Silver City, NM, 620 lbs, VAC 45+, Angus Source, Vitaferm Raised. Out of Hereford,
Roye Ranches, Inc., Stigler, OK, 660 lbs, VAC 45+,
Craig Sheppard, Garden City, KS, 700 lbs, VAC 45+. 75{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Angus, 15{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Red Angus & 5{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Charolais cross. Sired by 70{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Fink Angus, 15{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Red Angus, 10{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Van Newkirk & Jameson Hereford & 5{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} JMB Angus. Weaned
Kough Ranch, Russell Springs, KS, 725lbs, VAC 45+, Certified Natural, Superior Progressive Genetics, Angus Source. Out of Angus cross cows by Angus Simmental cross bulls. Approx. 25{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Brockle Face.
Tate Cattle Co., Welch, OK, 750 lbs, VAC 45+, Source & Age Verified, Superior Progressive Genetics, Angus Source. Out of Angus cross cows by Buford Ranches & Express Ranches Angus bulls. 100{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Black
Pioneer Ranch LC, Burns, KS, 775 lbs, Vitaferm Raised. Out of Angus & Angus cross cows by Fink & Hinkson Black Angus & few by a Hereford bull.
Circle M Cattle Co., Halstead, KS, 800 lbs, Certified Natural Plus, Angus Source. Angus & Angus cross. 100{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Black
Circle B LLC, Forsyth, MT, 800lbs, VAC 45, Source & Age Verified, NHTC, Superior Progressive Genetics. Out of Black Angus cows by Feddes Hereford bulls. 100{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} BWF & Brockle Face.
Leo Gardner, Boulder, UT, 685 lbs, Angus Source. Out of Angus & Angus cross cows by Black Angus bulls. Approx. 95{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Black
Wolf Ranches, Fallon, NV, 705 lbs, VAC 45+, Superior Progressive Genetics, Angus Source. Out of Angus cows by (80{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562}) Thomas Angus bulls. 100{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Black
Bar Lazy TL Ranch, Vernal, UT, 740 lbs, Certified Red Angus, Certified Natural Plus. Red Angus & Red Angus Black Angus cross. Majority Red
Delbert &
Adams Cattle Co. – Clay Adams, Texhoma, OK, 775lbs, VAC 45, Source & Age Verified,
Grenke Brothers, Jordan Valley, OR, 850lbs, VAC 45, Superior Verified, NHTC, Verified Natural Beef, GAP 4, Superior Progressive Genetics, Angus Source, VitaFerm Raised. Black or BWF, Sired by Angus bulls.
Frisbie Wheat & Hereford Farms, Inc. McDonald, KS, 850lbs, VAC 45+, Source & Age Verified, NHTC, Verified Natural Beef, GAP 1,
Bar L-3 Ranch, Klamath Falls, OR, 885lbs, VAC 45, Source & Age Verified, NHTC, Verified Natural Beef, Superior Progressive Genetics, Top Dollar Angus, Angus Source. Black Angus w/a few BWF.
Futrell Farms, Inc., Murray, KY, 450lbs, VAC PRECON, Angus, Angus Cross, Charolais & Continental Cross. Approx. 80-85{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Black & BWF,
Mike & Julie Livingston, Stratton, CO, 490lbs, VAC 45, Source & Age Verified, NHTC, Verified Natural Beef, GAP 4,
Mike & Tina Connell, Ringgold, NE, 515lbs, VAC 45, Certified Natural Plus, Angus Source. Out of Black Angus & BWF cows w/majority by Diamond Money Maker U229 & Diamond Big Spread,
Gurney Cattle Co LLC, Salina, UT, 535lbs, VAC 45, Source & Age Verified, NHTC, Verified Natural Beef, GAP 4. Out of mostly Black & BWF, few Red cows by PAP tested (most below 40) pred. Angus & very few Charolais bulls. Approx. 90{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Black & BWF, 10{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Red, RWF & a few Charolais cross. Buyers option 100{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Black & BWF.
Johnson Ranches, LLC., Deming, NM, 540lbs, VAC 45+, Superior Verified, NHTC, Verified Natural Beef, Angus Source. Out of Angus, a few Charolais cross, Brangus Angus cross & English cross cows by reg. Angus bulls. Approx. 85{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Black & BWF, 10{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Red & RWF & 5{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Charolais Cross.
Karl & Ginger Wright, Anton, CO, 550lbs, VAC 45, Source & Age Verified, NHTC, Certified Natural Plus. Out of
Lazy B Ranch LLC, Lordsburg, NM, 575lbs, VAC 45, Superior Verified, NHTC. Out of Angus, Angus Brangus cross,
David W. Diver, Groesbeck, TX, 625lbs, VAC PRECON, Angus & Angus Cross. 100{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Black Hided.
Tyler Knott, Oak Creek, CO, 640lbs, VAC 45+, Superior Progressive Genetics. Out of
Glen Younger, Delta, CO, 650lbs, VAC 45, Superior Progressive Genetics, Angus Source. Out of Black Angus & Black Angus cross cows by Diamond Peak Black Angus bulls.
Gregg & Chris Stults, Wray, CO, 650lbs, VAC 45, Source & Age Verified, NHTC, Certified Natural Plus, Verified Natural Beef,
Waggoner Ranch, La Junta, CO, 700lbs, VAC 45, Pred. Angus cross with some Hereford & Exotic cross.
Matt & Hannah Burch, Ringgold, NE, 720lbs, VAC 45, Source & Age Verified, NHTC, Verified Natural Beef, GAP 4, Angus Source. Angus & a few Angus cross. Out of Angus cows by Black Angus (sons of Chisum, Final Answer & Consensus) bulls. Pred. Black & BWF w/4-5 RWF.
Jack Nielsen Family & Jerry Johnson, Greybull, WY, 750lbs, Out of Angus & Angus cross cows by SimAngus bulls. 100{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Black Hided.
Vesco Ranches, Winnemucca, NV, 780lbs, VAC 45, Angus Source, NHTC, Certified Natural Plus, Verified Natural Beef, GAP 4, Superior Progressive Genetics. 100{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Black Hided. Sired by Leachman of CO, Black Angus & Riverbend Black Angus Bulls. Leachman Black Angus bulls sired by high feed efficiency & high $ profit
Thornock Ranch, Cokeville, WY, 800lbs, VAC 45, Superior Verified, NHTC, Superior Progressive Genetics, Angus Source. Out of Black Angus & BWF cows by Black Angus bulls. 100{73205e5fd8edf14435f3e2e65a2beea89873ca1d4142610a26265edfe9982562} Black
Source: Superior Livestock Auction