In 2017, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) began implementing the Guidance for the Industry #213 otherwise known as the Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD). Implementation of the VFD focused on …
Human and animal health experts came together in Atlanta, GA this past week to discuss issues related to antibiotic resistance and to work toward increased antibiotic stewardship in both human …
Legislation would have phased out the antibiotic for growth promotion and required a prescription for all antibiotics. by Mary Soukup, Editor, Drovers CattleNetworkGovernor Jerry Brown vetoed state Senate Bill 835, …
Bills look at antibiotic use in both humans and farm animals. The following article is from the NAFB News Service: California lawmakers have sent the state’s governor two bills regarding …
The following article is from Katie Allen, K-State Research and Extension Those pesky house flies buzzing around your home or invading your springtime picnic could be doing more harm to …
The magazine “Consumer Reports” unveiled a study on its website Tuesday that sent a shock wave through the heart of our nation’s pork industry. In analyzing just under 200 samples …